Monday, July 22, 2013

"With lies you may go ahead in the world, but you can never go back."

I guess I feel somewhat obligated to comment on the suspension of Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun, so here goes...

First of all, I'm not surprised by this at all. Following an intense appeal against prior accusations of doping brought against him, the investigation bore on rather viciously. Had Braun and his all-star companions come clean about their affiliations with the southern Florida clinic long ago, this wouldn't look as pathetically damaging as it does now. Now faced with "mountains of evidence" proving Braun is linked to Biogenesis, he takes the so-called high road and eats his 65-game unpaid suspension, and is suddenly commended for it.

Second, MLB, this is embarrassing. Braun is not a hero for being forced to admit his guilt. He got caught red handed. He was in the corner with nowhere else to go. How many times did he aggressively state his innocence and how violated he was in the last two years since this all began? Are we going to forget that he somehow weaseled his way out of this once before, while damning those investigating him?

Now, unable to find any sort of loophole to escape this time, he admits that he is only human. He also makes mistakes.

And our response is, 'what a great guy,' and 'we can't wait to have him back?'

So, our role models can cheat, lie, get caught, apologize for it, and it's all good? Is that the message the MLB is sending by patting him on the back for this?

Quite frankly, he should be ashamed of himself and so should the organizations that are not publicly shaming him for being such a giant crock of shit. I'd suggest the other players to come clean sooner rather than later before you look like bigger toolbags than Braun does right now.

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