Monday, January 25, 2010

Sick day, part un.

The one benefit of being home sick is the ability to indulge in endless amounts of recreational reading. Assuming you are up for anything other than sleeping or watching made for TV movies. I slept for most of the day, but I have finally had enough Emergen-C to do something other than zone out while looking at an LCD screen.

The brain is back on, and I have officially graduated to sitting up in bed with a laptop trying to pilfer through articles and emails in an attempt to give you something entertaining to read.

The New York Jets played a pretty decent hand this season. Aside from the occasional floundering rookie stuff, it's the best they have looked in years. Even though I went into yesterday's game believing they would not pass the Colts, I was slightly disappointed when they blew it in the second half. Oh well. Another Super Bowl that I will watch as indifferently as any other.

Congratulations to the badass Peyton Manning and his Colts, and to the New Orleans Saints as they make their first ever Super Bowl appearance. Although they only made it that far because Favre turned the ball over five too many times, and the refs blatantly made some questionable calls. But who am I to judge? All I do is get opinionated, and share it with strangers on the internet.

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