For just a few short months out of the year I make the sacrifice of leaving California's beautiful borders to head out to Arizona for a long weekend. This entails one of two things. Some big family event or baseball. Since the MLB built their western spring training facilities all around the Phoenix area, visiting the desert doesn't seem to suck nearly as much anymore.
The weather this weekend was perfect. Low to mid-80s, mostly blue skies, and just a touch of breeze. The sun was warm, the beer was cold, and the players were in tight pants....except for the ones weren't. I find that to be somewhat sacrilegious.
The day started with us getting up early and deciding which stadium to hit for which games. My boyfriend and I have rival teams, so this is not always and easy thing to decide. That, and it was St. Patrick's Day so I didn't want to drive far. There was green beer to drink! And tequila...whatever. Don't judge me.
Basically every game was sold out except for the Cubs vs. the A's. No surprise there. So the day was decided for us, head up to the nearest park and pick up some tickets at the box office. Um, yeah, and by box office I mean some sketchy crackheaded dude pacing up and down the block in front of the park who snapped at my poor mother for taking too long to count the cash out to him. She's a trooper. We fed her margaritas. She was fine shortly after.
The rest is, balls flying out of the park as everyone is fresh and rested, and more beer. It was my first game of the year, and although I didn't really see anyone I wanted to see, I got to see the game that I love the most. Can't beat that with a stick. Or a bat.